EMDR Consultation Options
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EMDR Consultation Options
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As an EMDRIA Approved Consultant, and a Facilitator for the EMDR INSTITUTE, I offer individual and group EMDR consultation for therapists who are looking to apply EMDR to clinical practice with their clients. Therapists who have completed Basic Training are eligible to begin working toward certification as an EMDR Therapist.
For more information about the process, go to EMDRIA.org and click on Certification.
To learn more about my consultation work and to find answers to FAQs, you can read further on this page. Once you have reviewed this information , if you would like to discuss my consultation structure, process, fees and schedule in more detail, please contact me and we can set up a time to talk.
Consultation and certification in EMDR can be a a long process. Knowing the nuts and bolts of the process beforehand can help. It would be impossible to anticipate and answer all of a consultee's questions in advance. I've attempted to provide some answers to commonly asked questions here. Feel free to contact me to discuss it further.
Q: I want to become Certified in EMDR. What do I need to do to get the process started?
A: Start by identifying a Consultant that you want to work with. Things to consider are their clinical area of practice, schedule, pricing, and consultation method. Some questions to consider are:
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find out more information about my consultation.
Q: How do I begin my EMDR CONSULTATION with you?
A: Once you have reviewed the FAQs and determined I may be a good fit for you, then we will schedule time to talk by phone or in person to review the consultation process in detail. If it is a good fit, then you would review and complete a consultation packet.
Q: Will I receive a letter of recommendation once I complete 20 hours of consultation?
A: It depends. Along with completing the minimum hours of consultation, a letter of recommendation for certification comes as the result of the demonstration of proficiency and understanding of the application of the Standard Protocol. I will do my best to point out how you are doing in your skill demonstration and areas for improvement in order to assist you in completing the minimum requirements within the 20 hours. However, I cannot offer a guarantee that 20 hours of consultation will equate to a letter of recommendation. In many cases, more hours are necessary to demonstrate proficiency.
It helps to think of consultation as an opportunity for professional development and learning. In my case, I participated in well over 40 hours of consultation prior to certification. In addition, I continue to attend monthly consultations with advanced level practitioners, despite being certified. The possibility for learning never stops.
Q: In addition to EMDR, I also work with another therapeutic modality and I would like to blend these strategies. Can I work on that in my Consultation hours?
A: It is not uncommon for a therapist to be trained and highly skillful in several clinical modalities. Common examples are IFS, SE, EFT, Somatic Therapy, etc… There is no reason that these modalities can not be complementary with EMDR. However, for the purposes of becoming certified in EMDR, the Consultee needs to demonstrate proficiency with the Standard Protocol. Apart from Phases 1, 2 and 7 and Cognitive Interweaves, EMDR Standard Protocol does not deviate significantly. Therefore, in order for consultation hours to count toward Certification, the time will be focused on Standard Protocol and its application.
I am available to consult on the use of Mind-Body techniques, Mindfulness, Somatic or Yoga techniques with application of EMDR. However, those consultation hours may or may not count toward Certification in Standard Protocol.
Q: I am not working toward Certification, but I do want to have some questions answered about my use of EMDR with clients. Are you available for consultation?
A: Yes. Consultation is not just for certification. It is a great way to refresh and strengthen the skills introduced in Level 1 & 2 training. EMDR is a very robust and dynamic modality that can have remarkable treatment results. But it is as much of an art as it is a science. Working with an experienced EMDR clinician can help you develop your craft.
Q: I just got trained in Level 1 & 2. Should I start on consultation now or should I wait?
A: The answer depends on your goals. If you are interested in applying EMDR Therapy to your work with clients immediately, then consultation is a great way to begin to work through the questions and initial uncertainty that comes with applying any newly learned skill. If you feel you have a firm understanding of applying EMDR, based on the Level 1 & 2 trainings, then you may want to use it more independently. Once you feel you are not getting as much clinical gain from using it, or you begin to have questions about its application, consultation is a great resource.
Consultation is like anything, you get out of it what you put into it. So if you want to improve your skills with EMDR Therapy, then getting consultation and focusing on the skills you want to develop will pay off.
Q: I’m not licensed yet. Can I still go through consultation and certification?
A: Pre-licensed clinicians can provide EMDR Therapy, if they have been trained. They can also get consultation to work towards certification. However, once they have met all the requirements for certification, they can not submit their application until they are fully licensed.
My clinical expertise: At this time, I primarily work with adults, although I previously worked extensively with young children, adolescents, teens and parents. My focus is on attachment disruption, relationship issues, childhood abuse and neglect, Complex PTSD and the myriad clinical issues that stem from these challenges.
My schedule: I am available for EMDR Consultation MONDAY thru THURSDAY, with hours varying by day. I also offer group consultations.
Pricing: Group rates vary from $55 to $80 depending on the size and duration of the group. Individual consultations are $165 per session. For those working in a non-profit, the individual consultation rate may be adjusted under certain terms.
Consultation Method: My approach to Consultation is guided by the standards set by EMDRIA, as well as my own professional experience of developing my skills as an EMDR Therapist. In group consultation, we review skills questions that reinforce understanding and application of standard protocol. Additionally, we discuss case and technique specific questions submitted by consultees. At any point in the consultation process, Consultees are encouraged to bring in samples of their clinical application of EMDR Therapy for review and feedback.
Below are some forms and tools that can be helpful to the EMDR consultation and certification process.
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